12 Office Fit Out Guidelines for Interior Design Projects

Whether you’re moving into a new space or renovating a current office, there will come a time where you’ll need to upgrade the interior design of your workspace. This can be a stressful task to undertake as there is no real handbook on how to go about the process.

There might not be any hard and fast rules when it comes to interior design, but there are a few office fit out guidelines we can share that will make the process that much easier and ensure that you are satisfied with the end result.

1. Budget properly

Before any work commences on your office fit out project, you’ll need to draw up a comprehensive budget that allocates set amounts to all the work and items you’ll require, such as labour, furniture, employee workstations, office equipment, paint and anything else you’ll need. Once you finalise your budget, make sure that you and your contractor stick to it and don’t deviate unless absolutely necessary.

2. Reimagine your space

Do you have big plans for your office but feel you don’t have the space to accommodate all your ideas? Well, we have good news for you – it’s not about how much space you have, it’s what you do with it that counts.

Get creative and start thinking outside the box to optimize your workplace. This can be done by altering ceiling heights, removing walls and walkways, redesigning cubicles and adding moveable partitioning to create a more adaptable and flexible office space.

3. Define your areas

Space planning is an important part of the fit out and interior design process. Before breaking ground on your project, you’ll need to take the time plan and define certain areas of the space for specific uses.

Allocate where different individual areas like meeting rooms, offices, cubicles, reception areas, visitor seating, kitchens, workstations and breakout areas, will be set up in your workplace. Make sure that each designated section is appropriate for the setting they will be accommodating.

4. Foster collaboration

One thing every office space needs to do is encourage collaboration between employees for enhanced productivity, innovation and creativity. This is why open-plan layouts have become the new norm in the corporate world as the benefits are immense.

However, be sure to provide your employees with private spaces that can be used when needed, whether it be for client meetings, one-on-one sessions or a quiet room for working alone on important projects.

5. Plan for the present and future

Your interior design and fit out project should not only address today’s needs and wants but should also accommodate the future growth and expansion of your business.

What your office and employees require in the present is likely to change 5 to 10 years. You might find yourself needing to hire more people, update technology or shift your working attributes.

Whatever it is, make sure the office fit out you implement in the present can comfortably adjust to any future needs and requirements.

6. Hide cables and wiring

Technology plays an integral part in the operations and functioning of modern businesses. And as such, today’s offices tend to be filled to the brim with computers, printers, monitors and other electrical equipment.

If not managed properly, you’ll find your workspace being inundated with wiring and cables lying all over the place. Not only will this be an unsightly mark on your interior design, but it could also cause accidents among employees.

This is why it’s important to make use of integrated cabling systems that can hide cables and wires. These can also be easily incorporated into customised desks.


7. Keep employee wellbeing front of mind

Your employees are the ones who will be spending the majority of their time at the office. Therefore, it should be a comfortable, welcoming space that caters to their needs and promotes wellbeing.

Research has shown that a good office design can improve productivity, creativity, health and wellbeing among employees. Therefore, it would be wise to ensure that your interior design and fit out project includes elements that will keep employee satisfaction high. This can include ergonomic furniture, greenery around the office, modern breakrooms, nap pods and many other ideas that your employees might suggest or like to see around the workplace.

8. Install proper lighting

Scientific research has shown that a well-lit office or a workplace that incorporates natural sunlight tend to have a higher rate of productivity, creativity and overall wellbeing among employees.

By adding as many windows and skylights as possible around your office or installing high-quality lighting, you too can take advantage of this easy and cost-effective means to a better functioning business.

In addition, you’ll find yourself saving some money, as your electricity bill will be a lot lower at the end of each month.

9. Choose furniture wisely

It can be tempting to cut costs by purchasing cheap or second-hand furniture for your office – but this is a bad idea that could end up costing you more in the long-run. Budget furniture tends to deteriorate quickly and cause health problems, like back pain, bad posture and general discomfort, in employees – leading to a slow down in productivity and an increase in sick days being taken.

Do yourself a favour and invest in high-quality, durable furniture from the get-go to avoid a host of problems in the future. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of purchasing first-rate furniture, our blog “Why Use Bespoke Office Furniture in Dubai?” goes into more depth on the topic.

10. Ensure there’s enough storage

Storage space is something that every office needs no matter what. Make sure that your fit out design accommodates all the storage space you and your employees will need, from filing cabinets and desk pedestals to storage walls and a supply closet.

11. Pick the right colour scheme

There have been numerous studies conducted on the psychology of colour schemes and their effects on the mood and productivity of employees. Good use of colour can motivate your employees, so choose wisely.

Shades of red and orange are known to boost energy, while blue improves focus and green inspires comfort, calm and serenity.

You can even take things a step further by adding artwork around the office space to improve the moods of employees and stimulate creativity.

12. Reflect your branding

An office fit out project provides the perfect opportunity to personalise your office and truly make it your own. Your office should reflect your brand and the culture of your company.

Take inspiration from other sources, like magazines, websites and even Pinterest – but be sure to not replicate a design, and instead craft one that is uniquely you.

Next steps

Now that you have a good idea of what to keep in mind when it comes to the interior design portion of your office fit out, you’ll need someone to help you craft and execute your project. We’ve helped you get this far and we don’t plan to stop now.

Contractors.Direct offers a curated database of thoroughly-vetted, quality contractors who can bring your vision to life, on time and on budget. Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to connect you with the right people for the job.

Kirsten Delcie

Written by Kirsten Delcie

As a seasoned project professional, Kirsten has been curating and creating content for Contractors Direct since the company's inception. Her diligent research methods and style lend themselves to the valuable insight driven blog posts you see here. Outside of content creation Kirsten is an avid reader and scuba diver and combines both as often as possible!

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