3 Tips to Leverage Office Fit Out ROI

As we type technology is facilitating innovation across market sectors. Even ones where traditionally you might say technology would not figure heavily, take office design for example. If you are looking at revamping your office interior and ambience. There are a plethora of office fit out trends and concepts at your fingertips. 

But, before going all out with ideas for your new space and estimating office fit out costs, let’s see if there’s a chance to generate some ROI on your project.

How? Take a look below;

Quick Ways To Gain Some ROI On Your Office Fit Out Projects

In today’s world, attracting and retaining employees is one of the most challenging tasks for an employer. Having an up to date, attractive and functional office environment is one way to turn your office space into an employee retention tool, not just a place of work. It doesn’t have to be a complete retrofit either, some simple changes can make a huge difference. 

Having said that, we all know that Dubai office fit out projects can be quite costly, even a relatively straight forward overhaul. So making any sort of ROI on it in the first instance, is a good thing. Below are a couple of ways of calculating a potential ROI on your office fit out:

Measure Your Project ROI with Efficacy with our Fit Out Calculator

Analysing Office Fit Out Costs-

In 2023, many companies are considering different working scenarios,remote and hybrid models are de rigueur and offer flexibility for employees. But this does mean that you can end up with ‘dead time’ in the office, when no one is there. So a multi use space would be a potential way to provide a working environment for your team, but also have others use it when it’s under utilised. 

One way to calculate your commercial fit out costs and how much you can save on it is by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What percentage of the office space do you currently use?

  • What are the current average expenses for security, lighting, cleaning and equipment?

  • How much could you save by revamping your office space and allowing for others to use it when under utilised? Hourly rate for access to the new multi use space for example

Estimating The Value-

The team you have put together positively impacts your overall business revenue. So, while sprucing up your office space, even small improvements can affect their productivity and comfort, which in turn can reflect a return on your investment. For example:

  • Office designs positively impact your team's productivity as modern workspaces coupled with fast Wi-Fi, lounge seating areas, outdoor social space, welcoming colours, coffee machines and artwork meet their needs and promote collaboration.

  • As an employer, the health and well-being of your staff should be your utmost priority. Modern office workspaces include greenery in designs, such as natural materials, plants, living walls, bigger windows to access natural light and water features, reduce sickness and absences while promoting wellbeing, and increasing productivity. 

Customised Fit Out Designs-

Design is subjective, the office design that works for your company may not for another. So when deciding on your workspace, really dig into what would work best for you and your team. Get their input and feedback, then take a look at the latest office interior fit out trends that map to you and your company. You never know how that open ‘non designed’ area might become the hotbed of ideas and collaboration for your company unless it’s there.

In a Nutshell

Happy employees perform better. There is science to back this up, so creating an office or workspace that your team enjoys and looks forward to being in will provide a massive ROI on your fit out project. Knowing how much of an ROI this could provide, you want to now make sure you get the most suitable contractors to get the job done, on time and on budget.

It can be tricky to find a ‘good’ contractor as there are plenty of options if you go looking online. But how do you know whether a ‘good’ contractors really is ‘good’. We can help there. Head over to our home page at Contractors Direct, fill out the form and search for qualified interior designers and contractors for office fit out jobs. We’ll do the rest.

If you’d like an estimate for your project using the overall commercial fit out costs in Dubai, as a base. Click here to use our fit out cost calculator.

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Written by Kirsten Delcie

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