5 Video Conferencing Room Ideas to Stay on Trend
Whether you’re a high-ranking executive or a junior-level employee chances are that most of your time is spent in meetings. Face-to-face meetings are an important part of ensuring that your business runs smoothly and efficiently. And in a time where more and more employees are working remotely and companies are moving into the digital era, video conferencing has become an integral part in facilitating face-to-face meetings in the modern age. And since most of these important meetings are held in conference rooms, it goes without saying that it deserves your attention.
Here are 5 video conferencing room ideas that you can implement to further enhance your meetings and keep your company on trend.
Believe it or not, colour has the power to influence our moods and energy levels. Psychology research has proven that different colours affect the nature and tone of many settings. Yellow boosts our moods and energizes us. Green instils a sense of harmony and tranquillity. Blue soothes and calms. And purple conjures up thoughts of luxury and ambition. It’s important to decorate your conference room with effective use of colour that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also fosters creativity and productivity for everyone participating in the meeting.
Introducing natural elements to your conference room will result in high rewards and little effort. Windows supply natural light which will brighten the room and make for better video quality. The natural light can be optimized through the use of blinds or curtains. If windows are not available in the room, LED bulbs are able to replicate natural light. In the case where natural ventilation of fresh air is not possible, a good ventilation system needs to be installed to distribute air evenly and effectively to supply enough oxygen to the brain so that everyone stays sharp and focused.
Lastly, studies have proven that adding a few plants around the office increases productivity and creativity by 15%. Adding greenery to your conference room has the benefit of adding beauty, absorbing sound, decreasing eye strain and lowering feelings of anxiety.
No two meetings are the same. Whether it be the amount of people in attendance, the level of formality or the nature of the topic being discussed, each meeting has different needs and considerations. It would be a bit silly to host a one-on-one session or small team huddle in a conference room that could seat 20 people. Instead of having 10 conference rooms dedicated to the different types of meetings going on in your company, you can have one flexible space that can be adapted to your immediate needs.
To achieve this, you would need adjustable and easily moveable furniture that can be configured to your preferences. Removable wall dividers are great solutions to divide one large conference room into smaller ones to cater for different meeting sizes. And removable design elements like plants and artworks can change the design of a room to suit the level of formality. Some clients might like to see paintings and trinkets that give the space a homely feel, and others might want a completely professional environment.
Prioritize user comfort for those who will be physically using the conference room. Uncomfortable furniture leads to lack of focus and physical discomfort which ultimately impacts productivity. Ergonomic furniture that allows for free and easy movements ensures that those seated are paying full attention without any distractions. Those who are attending the meeting remotely won’t be using the furniture, but they will be looking at it. Make a good impression with aesthetically pleasing brand-related furniture to enhance the design of your conference room and further impress clients and employees. T
he sitting arrangement plays an important role in the productivity and functionality of a meeting. U-shaped tables are best for face-to-face interactions and engagement while a banquet style arrangement is more appropriate for smaller sized meetings. Combined with a flexible space, your seating arrangement can be constantly changed to suit your immediate needs.
The last idea you need to keep in mind is also the most important. Video conferencing is dependent on state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment that suits the immediate needs of your meeting. Formal and informal meetings alike all require the necessary technology to ensure a smooth meeting. Fit out your conference room with top of the line technology like noise reduction and soundproofing designs, high-quality cameras and reliable conferencing software for hosting remote teams, good microphones and speakers to relay sound on both ends, strong WiFi connection and LED screens and interactive whiteboards for better presentations.
These are just a few of the vital equipment any conference room needs in order to produce a high standard of quality during video conferences. Your audiovisual equipment can be seamlessly integrated into the design of your conference room and most technology now comes in wireless formats as not to disrupt the aesthetic and functionality of the room’s design.
Video conferencing is fast becoming the new way of hosting face-to-face meetings. If you would like to upgrade your conference room to stay on trend with latest ideas and designs, Contractors.Direct can connect you with quality contractors who are able to bring your vision to life. Get in touch here.
Written by Kirsten Delcie
As a seasoned project professional, Kirsten has been curating and creating content for Contractors Direct since the company's inception. Her diligent research methods and style lend themselves to the valuable insight driven blog posts you see here. Outside of content creation Kirsten is an avid reader and scuba diver and combines both as often as possible!
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