Why Is Temperature Important in a Retail Store?

A positive customer experience is contingent on the comfort your retail store provides the shopper. Naturally, many factors influence comfort levels, including temperature. How warm or cold your store is will impact your customers’ spending habits.

It’s shocking to believe that a trivial aspect like your store’s temperature has a direct influence on your bottom line, but it’s true. In fact, countless research has been conducted on the topic of the ideal temperature to have in a retail store and how it affects shoppers.

Unfortunately, there has been no definitive answer thus far as each retail differs from the next. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all temperature – it all depends on your store’s needs and the products you sell.

In this article, we look at why temperature plays such an important role in a retail store, as well as the factors you should take into consideration to find your optimal climate.

Why does the temperature in retail stores matter?

It all comes down to ambient temperature (AMB), which refers to the temperature in a specific area. The AMB of the store is usually impacted by the HVAC unit used to maintain a comfortable climate, as well as the number of people in the space at one time, the insulation in the store, and the equipment in the space that gives off heat, such as overhead lighting and computers.

AMB also plays a part in influencing your customers’ spending habits when visiting your retail store. When used correctly, you can maintain and even increase sales. However, when used incorrectly, it could potentially hurt sales and your store’s revenue.

If your store is too hot or cold, it’s more than likely that customers won’t spend too much time browsing items and will want to leave sooner than they had planned to escape the uncomfortable climate. Therefore, it’s important to find a comfortable AMB that suits your store and the clientele that frequents it. Walk-ins won’t have a good customer experience if they’re not comfortable.

This is particularly important to keep in mind nowadays, as physical shopping is on the decline. However, studies have shown that approximately 85% of people still prefer to shop in a brick-and-mortar store – but this will only happen if consumers have a comfortable shopping experience when they do visit physical outlets.

As we mentioned earlier, there is no definitive answer as to what temperature is best for retail stores – it differs from business to business and from season to season. However, there are a few factors that you can assess to determine what the appropriate AMB would be to make for a comfortable in-store climate.

Factors to consider when selecting a temperature

  1. The comfort of staff versus the comfort of customers

It’s not only your customers who will be subjected to your retail store’s AMB – your employees will be affected too. As such, you need to consider your staff as well when determining a comfortable climate.

For example, your customers would undoubtedly welcome a refreshing blast of cool air upon entering your store on a hot summer’s day. The same, however, cannot be said for your employees who will be spending the majority of their day in the cold space.

The client does always come first, but a business is only as successful as the productivity of its workforce – and no employee can be expected to do their job while freezing. That’s why it is best to find a happy middle ground that satisfies all parties involved.

  1. Beware of your store’s requirements

If your retail store has many bright lights, servers, computers or other equipment which emits hot air, you’ll need to take these factors into account as they will certainly influence the ambient temperature.


  1. Keep your products in mind

What you sell will ultimately dictate the climate your store will need to maintain. For example, a supermarket with fresh produce, dairy and meat aisles will need a cooler climate. In this case, customers are likely to forgive a colder store.

However, if your retail shop doesn’t need a cool temperature, it’s advised to keep your store comfortably warm as this makes shoppers more agreeable and prone to buying items.

  1. The current weather

Lastly, the temperature outside will almost certainly influence the temperature you need to have inside. This might seem like a no-brainer – have a cool AMB in the summer and warm AMB in the winter, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that.

On warm days, your customers will be clad in shorts and t-shirts, while on colder days, they’ll be bundled up in layers of clothing. Therefore, if your temperature is too low in summer, they’ll get colder much quicker as they have on less clothing. And if your AMB is too high in winter, the space will be too warm and stuffy for customers.

Keep your HVAC maintenance up-to-date

There’s no getting around just how important finding the right ambient temperature is for the success of your store. And although we can’t give you an exact number of degrees for the perfect instore climate, we can leave you with a vital piece of advice – always make sure that your HVAC or AC unit is in proper working condition.

Never underestimate the importance of conducting regular maintenance on your climate control system. Being without a cooling or heating system, even just for one day, can be detrimental to your store’s revenue. It will drive away customers straight to your competitors who can offer a more comfortable experience.

How can Contractors.Direct help?

Your climate control system is one of the more important parts of your retail store’s overall fitout design. If you’re thinking about installing a new or upgraded HVAC system or contemplating a complete overhaul of the interior design of your store, then you’ve come to the right place.

Contractors.Direct offers a curated database of thoroughly vetted, quality contractors, interior designers and interior architects who can bring your vision to life, on time and on budget. Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to connect you with the right people for the job.

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Written by Kirsten Delcie

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