Steps to Follow with Your Office Fit Out Project & Suppliers in Dubai

From the outside, fit out projects seem like a daunting and stressful task to undertake – and it can be if you don’t approach it in a calculated and methodical manner. That’s why we’ve put together a few steps that you can utilise when planning your office fit out project and sourcing suppliers in Dubai.
1. Choose your fit out team wisely
Even though you’ll be hiring a professional contracting team to carry out the construction work on your fit out project, you’ll still need at least one person within your company to manage and oversee that everything is being carried out according to plan, as well as being the point of contact for your business that the contractor can get a hold of when needed.
Make sure the person(s) you choose to do the job are organised, creative, good with numbers and able to make decisions. They will need to:
- Determine what will work in the workspace and what’s right for the employees
- Set and communicate the budget
- Establish how much space is needed
- Make contingency for future growth and expansion where necessary
Don’t forget: Your employees will be the ones spending the most time in the office space, so ensure to include them in the design process and craft a fit out with their wellbeing and comfort in mind to maximise productivity and satisfaction.
2. Is it better to relocate or stay?
When undertaking a fit out project, most business owners consider whether it would be more beneficial to relocate to a new office space or stay in their current premises.
Several factors will influence the end decision – for example, staying in your current space might be more affordable, but moving offices could lead to better opportunities for growth and expansion. If you find yourself in this position, be sure to consult widely before committing to one option so that you make the best choice for yourself and your company.
Don’t forget: If you decide to relocate to a more suitable commercial space, make sure to use the services of a highly recommended property agent to assist you.
3. Talk to your legal team
This is a very important step to complete when planning your office fit out. Whether you choose to move to a different space or stay in your current one, you will still need to abide by the stipulations set out in your lease agreements – assuming you don’t own your office building.
Make sure your legal team goes through your lease agreement with a fine-tooth comb so that you know exactly what you can and can’t do when fitting out or renovating a space.
Lastly, the legal team can also take care of all other legal requirements of your fit out project, like the contract agreement between you and your contractor.
4. Source a fit out partner
There are hundreds of fit out suppliers in Dubai alone, all specialising in different industries and aspects of the fit out process. As such, it can seem nearly impossible to find the perfect contractor for the job.
Fortunately, the process doesn’t always have to be daunting when you know what to do. Always remember, extensive research is key when choosing a fit out partner. And aim to hire a contractor or company that regularly works on projects similar to your own. This will minimise risk and save you from a potential waste of money and time in the long run.
Don’t forget: Hiring multiple suppliers can be difficult to manage and keep track of. Instead, ensure that your chosen fit out partner is a one-stop-shop that can provide all the services you will need to execute your project successfully.
5. Develop a functional design
In cooperation with your fit out partner, develop a layout and interior design that is both functional and aesthetic.
An office fit out should do more than just look pretty. Your layout and interior design should be functional and logical in a way that stimulates productivity, creativity and wellbeing in the workspace. Although you need to prioritise substance over style in this instance, it does not mean that your office layout and interior design cannot be aesthetically pleasing as well as practical – you just need to find a good balance between the two.
6. Craft a pre-construction plan
There’s a good chance your fit out project will cause minor or major disruption to your business’s operations while being carried out. Make sure you’re prepared for this inevitably by crafting a pre-construction plan with your contractor to ensure that your business runs smoothly and minimal disruptions arise while work is taking place.
7. Carry out the fit out process
Once the above steps have been dealt with, your fit out partner can begin working on your office space. Be sure to maintain constant communication with your in-house and fit out team to ensure that everything is running smoothly and according to plan.
8. If relocating, fix up your old space
This point mainly applies if you’re planning to move offices, but it can apply if you’re intending on staying in your current space as well.
If you’re intending to move to a new corporate office, your landlord will be expecting you to leave the space as you found it. Liaise with your fit out partner and have them fix any disrepair that may have occurred during your occupation.
And if you’re planning to stay in your current workplace, make sure your contractor carries out any repairs that need to be done before beginning the fit out process.
9. Use a reputable company if moving premises
Again, this point only applies if you plan to relocate to a new space. Moving offices can be a time-consuming and stressful task, so be sure to avoid any unnecessary hassles and use a reputable moving company that will make the migration process as smooth as possible.
Don’t forget: If you hire a fit out partner who offers a comprehensive set of service, you’ll be able to use them as your moving company as well, saving you time and possibly money.
10. Keep up with ongoing maintenance
Once your fit out is complete and you have the office you envisioned, you’ll need to keep up with ongoing maintenance to ensure that your office stays at optimal functioning. Always carry out regular checks on fire systems, hydraulic systems, security systems and any other important processes that keep the office running.
Next steps
Now that you have a good idea of what to keep in mind when it comes to your office fit out, you’ll need someone to help you craft and execute your project. We’ve helped you get this far and we don’t plan to stop now.
Contractors.Direct offers a curated database of thoroughly vetted, quality contractors who can bring your vision to life, on time and on budget. Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to connect you with the right people for the job.

Written by Kirsten Delcie
As a seasoned project professional, Kirsten has been curating and creating content for Contractors Direct since the company's inception. Her diligent research methods and style lend themselves to the valuable insight driven blog posts you see here. Outside of content creation Kirsten is an avid reader and scuba diver and combines both as often as possible!
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